
FIX: RadAjaxManagerProxy - Setting EventName property prevents updates. Add a Comment) 1 comment Darren. Posted on: 24 Sep 2013 08:02. This is an urgent bug, since most people like me have a RadAjaxManager on a Master Page and thus can only use the RadAjaxManagerProxy on content page and web controls. Find answers to Programmatic two way data binding Telerik Combobox from the expert community at Experts Exchange. Let's go straight to the problem. I have two gridviews from which one generates the data source to another one. Both gridviews have ability to edit the item (row), but editing only works in first gridview (the one that generates data for the other one), when I click on edit in the second gridview nothing happens. The main features of RadAjaxManager are: Availibility - You can AJAX-enable all controls that normally work with postbacks. Design-time UI support - It lets you define visually and codeless (in Visual Studio design-time) which controls should initiate AJAX requests and which controls should be updated. Using RadAjaxManagerProxy 159-161 7.11. Summary 161-162 8. ActiveSkill: Getting Started 163 8.1.




RadGrid has a built-in facility to export the grid’s data into different formats like Excel, CSV, Word or PDF and we can export the same as per the system requierement. Here I will show you how to export grid’s data in PDF or Excel format.


First of all in RadGrid, place the ExportSettings tag as below in the code. Here I have set properties like IgnorePaging equal to True to export all grids data and OpenInNewWindow equal to true to open the export data in a seperate window. Also in ExportSettings section I have defined the width of the PDF page.





Now in RadAjaxManager of your page add the following event:


Then, add the following javascript function in your aspx page:

function requestStart(sender, args) {

if (args.get_eventTarget().indexOf(“btnExportToPDF”) > 0 ||

args.get_eventTarget().indexOf(“btnExportToExcel”) > 0)



Radajaxmanagerproxy Ajax Request

And then add the command name for the button as like following for PDF or Excel.

Radajaxmanagerproxy Vs Radajaxmanager


Radajaxmanagerproxy Demo

and it’s done.