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रंगीलो राधावल्लभ लाल, जै जै जै श्रीविहरत संग लाडली बाल, जै जै जै श्रीकैसे जीऊं मैं राधा रानी तेरे बिना
Labels: Bannanje Govindacharya, Bhagavad Gita in Kannada, Chapter-18, Kannada Blog, ಭಗವದ್ಗೀತೆ Friday, January 6, 2012 Bhagavad GitA Kannada Chapter-18 Shloka 54-57. Bhagavad Gita Free In Kannada Mp3, How to download Bhagavad Gita full book PDF in Kannada Kannadambe (4.49MB) Mp3 Download, Get Bhagavad gita in kannada All 18 chapters Chapter 1 Mp3 and MP4, BHAGAVAD GITA KANNADA ಭಗವದ್ ಗೀತಾ BHAGAWADH GEETHA BHAGAVAD GITA GHANTASALA BHAGAVAD GEETA Free Download, Bhagavad Gita Free In Kannada Convert from. Bhagavad Gita Free In Kannada Mp3, How to download Bhagavad Gita full book PDF in Kannada Kannadambe (4.49MB) Mp3 Download, Get Bhagavad gita in kannada All 18 chapters Chapter 1 Mp3 and MP4, BHAGAVAD GITA KANNADA ಭಗವದ್ ಗೀತಾ BHAGAWADH GEETHA BHAGAVAD GITA GHANTASALA BHAGAVAD GEETA Free Download, Bhagavad Gita Free In Kannada Convert from Mp3Juice. CHAPTER 15 - Puruṣottama Yoga. Started by Commentary. 0 Replies 219 Views April 09, 2019, 11:58:42 PM. Bhagavad Gita Bhasya. Normal Topic Hot Topic (More than. Bhagavad Gita - Chapter 15 - Verse 2 Some branches of this tree spread upwards and others grow downwards, nourished by the modes of nature. The twigs on the tree are the sense-objects, and the roots that extend downwards reach the human plane and are.
मेरा मन ही न लगे श्यामा तेरे बिनाहो मेरी लाडो का नाम श्री राधाश्री राधा श्री राधा, श्री राधा श्रीदाता एक राम, भिखारी सारी दुनिया ।
Bhagavad Gita 15 Chapter In Kannada Translation
राम एक देवता, पुजारी सारी दुनिया ॥साँवरिया ऐसी तान सुना,ऐसी तान सुना मेरे मोहन, मैं नाचू तू गाएक कोर कृपा की करदो स्वामिनी श्री
दासी की झोली भर दो लाडली श्री राधे॥तेरे दर पे आके ज़िन्दगी मेरी
यह तो तेरी नज़र का कमाल है,ज़री की पगड़ी बाँधे, सुंदर आँखों वाला,
कितना सुंदर लागे बिहारी कितना लागेमीठे रस से भरी रे, राधा रानी लागे,
मने कारो कारो जमुनाजी रो पानी लागे मेरी विनती यही है राधा रानी, कृपा
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12
मुझे तेरा ही सहारा महारानी, चरणों सेहम हाथ उठाकर कह देंगे हम हो गये राधाराधा राधा राधा राधामुझे चढ़ गया राधा रंग रंग, मुझे चढ़
श्री राधा नाम का रंग रंग, श्री राधाश्याम हमारे दिल से पूछो, कितना तुमको
याद में तेरी मुरली वाले, जीवन यूँ हीइतना तो करना स्वामी जब प्राण तन से
गोविन्द नाम लेकर, फिर प्राण तन सेलाली की सुनके मैं आयी
कीरत मैया दे दे बधाईसुबह सवेरे लेकर तेरा नाम प्रभु,
करते है हम शुरु आज का काम प्रभु,फूलों में सज रहे हैं, श्री वृन्दावन
और संग में सज रही है वृषभानु कीहम प्रेम नगर के बंजारिन है
जप ताप और साधन क्या जाने सांवरिया है सेठ ,मेरी राधा जी सेठानी
यह तो सारी दुनिया जाने हैबाँस की बाँसुरिया पे घणो इतरावे,
कोई सोना की जो होती, हीरा मोत्यां कीकोई पकड़ के मेरा हाथ रे,
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11
मोहे वृन्दावन पहुंच देओ ।राधा नाम की लगाई फुलवारी, के पत्ताके पत्ता पत्ता श्याम बोलता, के पत्ताकोई कहे गोविंदा, कोई गोपाला।
मैं तो कहुँ सांवरिया बाँसुरिया वाला॥मीठी मीठी मेरे सांवरे की मुरली बाजे,
होकर श्याम की दीवानी राधा रानी नाचेश्यामा तेरे चरणों की गर धूल जो मिल
सच कहता हूँ मेरी तकदीर बदल जाए॥ज़िंदगी मे हज़ारो का मेला जुड़ा
हंस जब जब उड़ा तब अकेला उड़ामेरा अवगुण भरा शरीर, कहो ना कैसे
कैसे तारोगे प्रभु जी मेरो, प्रभु जीकैसे जिऊ मैं राधा रानी तेरे बिना
मेरा मन ही ना लागे तुम्हारे बिनाजय राधे राधे, राधे राधे
जय राधे राधे, राधे राधेतू कितनी अच्ची है, तू कितनी भोली है,
ओ माँ, ओ माँ, ओ माँ, ओ माँ ।
श्रीभगवानुवाच |
ऊर्ध्वमूलमध:शाखमश्वत्थं प्राहुरव्ययम् |
छन्दांसि यस्य पर्णानि यस्तं वेद स वेदवित् || 1||
śhrī-bhagavān uvācha
ūrdhva-mūlam adhaḥ-śhākham aśhvatthaṁ prāhur avyayam
chhandānsi yasya parṇāni yas taṁ veda sa veda-vit
BG 15.1: The Supreme Divine Personality said: They speak of an eternal aśhvatth tree with its roots above and branches below. Its leaves are the Vedic hymns, and one who knows the secret of this tree is the knower of the Vedas.
Lord Shree Krishna speaks of the eternal Aśhvatth tree, which is an upside-down peepal (sacred fig) tree with its roots above and branches below. Aśhvatth also means; which will not remain the same even on the next day or something which is constantly changing. The Sanskrit word for the world, Sansar is defined in the Sanskrit dictionary as sansaratīti sansāraḥ; something that is constantly shifting. Another Sanskrit word for the world Jagat is also defined as gachchhatīti jagat, that means it is a constantly moving world. The world is not just moving or constantly changing, but someday it will be completely destroyed and reverted unto God. Therefore, the world we live in is temporary, or Aśhvatth.
The Lord explains that this material world is like a huge Aśhvatth tree for the soul. Its roots are going upwards (ūrdhva-mūlam) originating from God; nourished and supported by Him. The trunk and branches which are extending downwards (adhaḥ-śhākham) encompass all the life-forms from different abodes of the material realm. Its leaves are the Vedic mantras (chhandānsi), which describe rituals, ceremonies, and its reward. By performing such rituals, the soul can ascend to the heavenly abodes and enjoy celestial pleasures, but eventually, when the rewards deplete, they have to fall back to earth.
In this way, the leaves of the Aśhvatth tree nourish the material existence of the souls and perpetuate the continuous cycle of life and death. Due to this continuity, the beginning and the end are not experienced by the souls. Hence, this tree form of the world is Avyayam or eternal. As the water from the oceans evaporates forming clouds that rain the earth, which then forms rivers, and eventually flows back to the oceans. Likewise, the cycle of life and death is also continuous.
The Vedas also mention this tree:
Bhagavad Gita In Tamil
ūrdhvamūlo ’vākśhākha eṣho ’śhvatthaḥ sanātanaḥ (Kaṭhopaniṣhad 2.3.1)
“The aśhvatth tree, with its roots upward and branches downward is eternal.”
ūrdhvamūlaṁ arvākśhākhaṁ vṛikṣhaṁ yo samprati
Bhagavad Gita In English
na sa jātu janaḥ śhraddhayātmṛityutyurmā mārayaditi (Taittirīya Āraṇyak 1.11.5)
Bhagavad Gita 15 Chapter In Kannada Pdf
“Those who know this tree with its roots upward and branches downward will not believe that death can finish them.”
The intention of describing this tree in the Vedas was to make us understand that, we are beyond the cycle of life and death, and we should work towards cutting this tree down. For the same purpose, Lord Shree Krishna has mentioned that one who understands the secret (of cutting) this tree of samsara is the knower of the Vedas (veda vit).